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Garage Evaluation in Ukraine

Garage evaluation

Despite the fact that at first glance there is little common between the apartment and the garage, in terms of valuation, these two types of real estate are very similar. After all, the garage often performs not only the function of car storage, but also serves as a functional “continuation” of the apartment – actually separately located universal storage room.

What is the cost of the garage evaluation

As with all other types of property, on cost of our services in determining the cost of the garage is primarily influenced by the purpose with which the evaluation is made. (Recommend reading the article «Who cares what the expert evaluation is for»).

  • Evaluation of the cost of the garage for donation to the nearest relative – 1000 UAH, deadline – 1 day (without recording the evaluation report in the State Property Fund database). Whether you need to register in your particular case it is necessary to ask the notary who will draw up the gift agreement, because some notaries require this registration, and some say that it is not necessary. More information about what is registration in the SPFU database can be found in the article: «What is the difference between valuation for sale and valuation for gifting»).
  • Garage valuation in Kyiv for sale or change – (with the recording of the evaluation in the SPFU database). 1000 UAH, 1 day.
  • Determination of the cost of the garage for presentation in court – from 2500 UAH. The cost of our work depends on where the garage is located and whether our appraisers need to go to its inspection. The fact is that not in all cases of evaluation for the court it is necessary to visit the facility. If you need to evaluate the garage or parking for presentation in court – you are welcome to call us!

What is the price of the garage?

In most cases valuation of real estate is based on a comparative approach. The logic of this method is that the estimated garage costs about the same as sold on similar boxes or parking. When selecting objects of comparison, the garage appraiser necessarily takes into account the following factors:

  1. Location. The main factor that has the greatest impact on the market value of real estate. (Recommend reading the article «What is market value»).
  2. Architectural and planning decisions. For correct calculations it is necessary to compare only one type of objects, for example, it is impossible to compare the underground parking in a new house with a metal garage box in a garage-building cooperative. The AMP factor also includes the total area, floor and additional space in the garage (cellar, pit, etc.).
  3. Preference in the auction. It is known that when conducting real estate evaluation the evaluators use the «bid» correction. This amendment takes into account the fact that, in the case of an actual sale, a deduction must be made from the amount of the discount (bargain) that the seller agrees to assign during the negotiation process with the buyer. The generally accepted value of the trade correction is 10 per cent.

Unfortunately, sometimes there are situations when the estimated value is higher than the real price of the transaction. What to do in such a situation can be learned by reading our material: «What to do if the value defined by the appraiser is higher or lower than the real transaction price»).

We evaluate real estate (in particular, garage evaluations and evaluation of apartment) on the basis of permit documents whose photos are presented in the section «Appraisal company».

You are welcome to contact with us!